Oh, Hello There

Oh, hello there! It seems you have stumbled across my website. I must have gotten in your way. So sorry. So sorry. Let me just get out of your way. You look very busy and… Oh… What’s that you say?
You want to stay?
Oh my! That’s just terrific! I thought you were simply passing through. My apologies. You seemed to have had your pants pulled down to your ankles with a few incognito windows opened and I just assumed… well… oh never mind. You’re here and that’s what’s important! Let me be the first to welcome you to…
Pickled Comics is the home for anything and everything that drips out of my brain(s). Pickled Comics is the perfect place to poke around someone else’s head and see what’s squishy. Pickled Comics is the best avenue for aliens to sell illegal galactic weaponry at a fair price and Pickled Comics is the only place giraffes can find turtle neck sweaters that don’t itch. Here at Pickled Comics we do it all with smiles on our faces and a roll of quarters in our pocket. We are the only friend you’ll ever need!
Well, it seems I haven’t scared you off quite yet so I must be doing something right! I think now would be the perfect time for you to start clicking around and reading the wonderful things we have here at Pickled Comics. We have literally hundreds a couple of interesting and funny posts that will put you in stitches! So along you go. On your way. You have so much to… Excuse me? I’m so sorry you’ll need to speak up. Did you have one last question before you leave?
What’s behind the curtain?
Curtain? What curtain? You must be mistaken. Now move along you have so much to…
Oh. That curtain.
What’s behind that is of no concern to you. Please, I beg you! So much is waiting for you beyond this page. You must go now before…